Maand: november 2022

Over the last six months, European perceptions of the Inflation Reduction Act have been a rollercoaster. European policymakers were hopeful that the Inflation Reduction Act would implement Janet Yellen’s Pillar Two commitment at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). But hope turned to disappointment when the final text was fundamentally different from Pillar Two.
MKB-Nederland en VNO-NCW zijn blij dat de minister van EZK de drempel om in aanmerking te komen voor de tegemoetkoming energiekosten (TEK) verlaagt van 12,5 naar 7 procent. Daarmee wordt de regeling bereikbaar voor tienduizenden ondernemers in de energie-intensieve sectoren die anders niet geholpen zouden zijn. Wel moet het plafond van 160.000 euro omhoog en
Westend61 | Westend61 | Getty Images The end of the year is one of the most important times for investors because there are so many decisions to make that impact their overall financial planning. This time around, the year’s end is marked with a lot of financial challenges, including inflation, market volatility, domestic political uncertainties
State recreational marijuana taxes are one of the hottest policy issues in the U.S. Currently, 19 states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington) have implemented legislation to legalize and tax recreational marijuana sales. This election season is full