Maand: februari 2025

Jane Fraser, CEO of Citi, speaks during the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California, on May 1, 2023.  Patrick T. Fallon | AFP | Getty Images Bank shares rose Thursday after the Federal Reserve released parameters for its annual industry stress test showing smaller hypothetical shocks to the U.S. economy than in previous
Bundles of steel from Nucor Corporation sit for sale at Thompson Building Materials in Lomita, California, on Aug. 30, 2012. Patrick Fallon | Bloomberg | Getty Images U.S. steelmakers should be beneficiaries of President Donald Trump’s new tariffs, but Wall Street warned that there are some risks in the longer term. On Saturday, Trump slapped
The Federal Reserve announced Wednesday it will leave interest rates unchanged as inflation continues to run above the Fed’s 2% mandate. The move comes after the central bank cut its benchmark interest rate by a full percentage point last year and in the wake of President Donald Trump’s comment during his first week back in office that he’ll
Ondernemers zijn onverminderd negatief over het Nederlandse ondernemingsklimaat. Een ruime meerderheid (67%) vindt dat dat de afgelopen 5 jaar is verslechterd en meer dan de helft verwacht op korte termijn ook geen verbetering. Bijna 40% noemt ons land niet aantrekkelijk om in te ondernemen. Dat en meer blijkt uit de Nationale Peiling Ondernemingsklimaat 2025 van