
In this article Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT Investors worried about concentration risk in the market may want to consider value-oriented investments. Avantis Investors chief investment strategist Phil McInnis suggests taking a more diversified approach than simply looking at index funds such as the S&P 500. He thinks his firm’s exchange-traded fund strategy can
zimmytws | iStock | Getty Images A protester interrupted a January congressional committee hearing to consider a bill that would create a bipartisan commission to address Social Security. “A vote for a commission is a vote to cut Social Security,” the man shouted before he was escorted off the floor. While there was a protest
As sea levels rise and storms intensify, coastal real estate is seeing flooding and erosion like never before. From Dana Point, California, to Long Island, New York and Nantucket, Massachusetts, some of the nation’s priciest coastal real estate is in an increasingly precarious position due to climate change. This year’s hurricane season is already underway,
In this article DIS Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT In Disney and Pixar’s “Inside Out 2,” Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust meet new emotions. Disney | Pixar Disney is looking to bring a little joy to theaters with its upcoming release of Pixar’s “Inside Out 2.” Current expectations see the animated sequel easily
Miragec | Moment | Getty Images A startup that uses technology to stop employees from abusing corporate expenses just raised 8 million euros ($8.6 million) of funding from investors, defying a slump in investment for the financial technology industry. CleverCards, a Dublin-based firm, uses a digital platform linked to configurable expense cards to give companies
‘De geplande versobering van de 30%-regeling – een fiscale regeling die helpt buitenlands talent naar ons land te halen – is slecht voor de toekomst van Nederland.’ Dat blijkt onomstotelijk uit de nieuwe evaluatie van de regeling die vandaag is verschenen,’ aldus ondernemersorganisaties VNO-NCW en MKB-Nederland.   Ingrid Thijssen, voorzitter VNO-NCW: ‘Voor het behoud van onze
‘Verschillende fiscale regelingen gericht op ondernemers in Box 1 (bijv. met een eenmanszaak) moeten worden omgebouwd naar regelingen die ondernemers helpen door te groeien door te investeren, innoveren en de stap naar werkgeverschap zetten. Dat levert extra economische groei, extra belastinginkomsten op én het versterkt onze toekomstige concurrentiekracht.’ Dat zeggen ondernemersorganisaties VNO-NCW en MKB-Nederland naar