
Key Findings Forty-five states and the District of Columbia collect statewide sales taxes. Local sales taxes are collected in 38 states. In some cases, they can rival or even exceed state rates. The five states with the highest average combined state and local sales tax rates are Louisiana (9.550 percent), Tennessee (9.548 percent), Arkansas (9.46
MKB-Nederland is blij met het zes-puntenplan van D66-Kamerlid Romke de Jong om de financiering van het mkb te verbeteren. De ondernemersorganisatie wijst zelf al langere tijd op de urgentie daarvan en onderschrijft de voorstellen van De Jong, die hij binnenkort inbrengt in het Kamerdebat over mkb-financiering. In haar position paper ten behoeve van dat debat
Jetcityimage | Istock | Getty Images If you’re trying to max out the yearly purchase limit for Series I bonds, your tax refund offers an opportunity to buy even more. However, you should consider your goals and weigh alternatives first, experts say. An inflation-protected and nearly risk-free investment, I bonds are currently paying 6.89% annual