
In this article KSS Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT Kohl’s Chief Executive Officer Michelle Gass Source: Kohl’s Kohl’s said Tuesday that CEO Michelle Gass is leaving the company for a new opportunity. The retailer also announced preliminary third quarter results. It said comparable sales fell 6.9% in the period, with net sales down 7.2%,
In this article TTWO FDS Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT Take-Two stock dropped more than 15% in extended trading on Monday after the company reported fiscal second-quarter 2023 results. It said its outlook in the current quarter and for fiscal 2023 would be lower than previously expected. Here’s how the company did: Loss: $1.54
courtneyk | E+ | Getty Images After a rough year for the stock market, investors may not expect to receive a surprise tax bill from year-end actively managed mutual fund payouts, experts say. When a fund manager sells underlying assets at a profit without losses to offset it, those gains are passed along to investors.
The investments of 125 billionaires cause 393 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year according to a report published by global poverty charity Oxfam. Florian Gaertner / Contributor / Getty Images The investments of 125 billionaires produce 393 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year, according to a report by Oxfam. That’s
MKB-Nederland ontvangt de afgelopen tijd met regelmaat bericht van ondernemers dat zij hun lidmaatschap van MKB Belangen, MKB Collectieven en/of MKB Voordeelclub willen opzeggen. Deze ondernemers wordt verzocht om verlenging van hun lidmaatschap te bevestigen met bijbehorende factuur. MKB-Nederland heeft echter geen enkele link met deze organisaties en hier dus niets mee van doen. Zelfde
If the new 1099-K reporting thresholds have you confused as an online seller or payment app user, you’re not alone. But don’t worry — we’re here to help you separate fact from fiction. Below we’ll address some common misconceptions you might have heard about these changes and the truth about how your taxes could be
‘Het is buitengewoon positief dat het Kabinet, via de nieuwe TEK-regeling, 3,1 mld euro beschikbaar stelt om energie-intensieve (mkb)bedrijven tegemoet te komen vanwege de uitzonderlijk hoge energieprijzen. Wel is de TEK qua voorwaarden strenger dan het Europees steunkader toelaat en ten opzichte van wat verschillende omringende landen doen. De doelgroep wordt daardoor niet goed bereikt.