Dat potentiële huizenkopers het energielabel steeds belangrijker vinden, kan niet los worden gezien van de energieprijzen. Die zijn hard opgelopen door de oorlog in Oekraïne en de daaraan gekoppelde sancties tegen Rusland. Verder ziet funda in zijn zogeheten index dat de druk op de woningmarkt wat minder groot wordt. Het aantal zogeheten contactaanvragen per beschikbare
Analysts predict a possible crash in the California housing market. #Rent #Housing #Mortgage #California #Markets #Equities #Stocks #US #Investing #Trading #NYSE #NASDAQ
Schouten heeft de steun van PvdA en GL nodig om een meerderheid in Tweede én Eerste Kamer te behouden voor het pensioenakkoord. De partijen steunen het in 2019 gesloten pensioenakkoord, waar inmiddels de wet voor een nieuw pensioenstelsel uit is gerold. Maar ze hebben na die uitwerking nog wel een aantal wensen bij minister Schouten
As energy prices continue to rise, more European countries have been looking at windfall profit taxes—a one-time tax levied on a company or industry when economic conditions result in large, unexpected profits—to fund relief measures for consumers. As early as March 8, the European Commission recommended in its REPowerEU communication that member states temporarily impose
In 2023 gaan huishoudens die maximaal 1200 kuub gas gebruiken hier maximaal €1,45 voor betalen en voor wie onder de 2900 kWh stroom blijft op jaarbasis, is het tarief niet hoger dan €0,40. Een groot deel van de huishoudens is daarmee beschermd tegen de hoge energieprijzen van dit moment. Gezamenlijke ketel De Woonbond wijst er
A child looks at a halloween costume on the rack. At the Target department store in Exeter Township Tuesday afternoon for a story on halloween costumes. Ben Hasty | Medianews Group | Getty Images In the past few weeks, Craig Cislo dug out the spray-painted tombstones from his attic, scoured websites for a giant animated
A worker at a chips factory in Chongqing, China, on March 30, 2022. Future Publishing | Future Publishing | Getty Images BEIJING — Chinese chip stocks fell Monday after the U.S. announced new export controls aimed at limiting Beijing’s ability to produce advanced military systems. The sweeping rules mean companies must apply for a license
Shaquille O’Neal attends the second preseason NBA game between Atlanta Hawks and Milwaukee Bucks at Etihad Arena on October 8, 2022 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. “If you invest in things, it’s going to change people’s lives, you will definitely get a nice return,” the previous NBA star recalled Bezos sharing in a tech
Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks during Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose, California, June 6, 2022. Peter Dasilva | Reuters Using a market downcycle to accumulate shares of companies with strong fundamentals and prospects can lead to good returns when the market goes up. To that end, keeping an eye on which stocks
Luminola | E+ | Getty Images It’s natural to fixate on portfolio losses, especially with the S&P 500 down more than 20% for the year. But you may still have gains after years of growth, and the profits could qualify for a 0% tax rate, depending on your earnings. The thresholds may be higher than
Tempura | E+ | Getty Images The U.S. Department of Education has said its application for student loan forgiveness will go live in early October, suggesting it could be ready any day now. With legal challenges to President Joe Biden’s historic move to cancel up to $20,000 in debt for millions of Americans mounting, experts
Uncertainty around the U.K. housing and mortgage market has spread among first-time buyers. Resolution Productions via Getty Images Mortgage products have been pulled, payments are doubling and lenders are backing out of agreed deals; concern and uncertainty among Brits trying to buy a home skyrocketed last month after Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng announced his “mini-budget.”