
Dat potentiële huizenkopers het energielabel steeds belangrijker vinden, kan niet los worden gezien van de energieprijzen. Die zijn hard opgelopen door de oorlog in Oekraïne en de daaraan gekoppelde sancties tegen Rusland. Verder ziet funda in zijn zogeheten index dat de druk op de woningmarkt wat minder groot wordt. Het aantal zogeheten contactaanvragen per beschikbare
As energy prices continue to rise, more European countries have been looking at windfall profit taxes—a one-time tax levied on a company or industry when economic conditions result in large, unexpected profits—to fund relief measures for consumers. As early as March 8, the European Commission recommended in its REPowerEU communication that member states temporarily impose
Uncertainty around the U.K. housing and mortgage market has spread among first-time buyers. Resolution Productions via Getty Images Mortgage products have been pulled, payments are doubling and lenders are backing out of agreed deals; concern and uncertainty among Brits trying to buy a home skyrocketed last month after Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng announced his “mini-budget.”