
While Mark Zuckerberg spends most of his days on social media, you won’t find him mindlessly scrolling through Instagram Reels. That’s because Zuckerberg thinks social media is best when used to communicate. On a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, the Meta CEO said he thinks platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can
Nirunya Juntoomma | Istock | Getty Images If you’re feeling unsteady amid stock market volatility, high inflation and rising interest rates, you may wonder how much cash you really need to have handy. But the right amount to have in your emergency fund depends on your family’s situation and needs, financial experts say.   Still, with
In this article WE Global inflationary pressures are pushing companies to be “more nimble” with their corporate real estate portfolios, according to WeWork. “That … has put the need for companies to look at flexibility in managing and thinking about their workspace,” said Samit Chopra, the coworking company’s international president and COO. “Which is of
Your small business is your baby and choosing the right name for it is a big deal. But what happens when you need to change your business name for whatever reason? Here’s how to prepare and what to expect when you decide your business name needs an upgrade. Can you change the name of an
De Verenigde Staten (VS) maken de komende jaren miljarden dollars vrij voor klimaatinvesteringen. Dit nieuwe klimaatpakket biedt veel kansen voor Nederlandse ondernemers, onder meer op gebied van energie-infrastructuur en duurzame mobiliteit. ‘Zo zijn Nederlandse chips essentieel in de productie van elektrische auto’s in de VS en helpen onze bedrijven met de bouw van windmolenparken voor
The day the Biden administration unveiled its highly anticipated student loan forgiveness plan was a “celebratory day” for Justin Short. Short, 34, graduated from the University of Missouri in 2012 with a degree in hospitality management, $47,000 in federal student loans and $5,800 in private student loans. Like many borrowers, his college debt has plagued