Het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) heeft becijferd dat de waarde van woningen, de zogenoemde WOZ-waarde, het afgelopen jaar flink is gestegen. De gemiddelde waarde van de woningen in Nederland was op 1 januari van dit jaar 8,6% hoger dan een jaar daarvoor. Daarmee is de waarde nu hoger dan ooit gemeten. De WOZ-waarde
A look into the current crypto bear market. #BearMarket #BullMarket #Portfolio #Bitcoin #Equities #Stocks #US #Investing #Trading #NYSE #NASDAQ #$BTC
De in 2015 afgeschafte basisbeurs voor studenten wordt in het studiejaar 2023/2024 heringevoerd om de financiële drempel om te studeren te verlagen. Studenten zullen een basisbeurs krijgen en daarbovenop een aanvullende beurs van maximaal €401, die afhankelijk wordt van het inkomen van de ouders. Het achterliggende idee is dat ouders die veel verdienen ook meer
In de eerste zes maanden van het jaar steeg het aantal huishoudens dat een variabel energiecontract heeft naar 56%, aldus toezichthouder Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM). Dat was aan het begin van het jaar nog 50%. Bij een variabel contract kan de energieleverancier de tarieven tussentijds aanpassen als dat nodig is. Prijsstijgingen zoals nu op
If your hobby earns you income, the IRS wants to know about it. But how do you report hobby income and how does it differ from small business income? Is one better than the other when it comes to filing taxes? Why is it important to know the difference? Knowing the differences between hobby income
In this article DWAC The TRUTH Social website is seen on a mobile device with an image of former US president Donald Trump in the background in this photo illustration in Warsaw, Poland on 23 February, 2022. Nurphoto | Getty Images Digital World Acquisition Corporation, the company that plans to take Trump Media and Technology
In this article DKS Cars are seen parked in front of a Dick’s Sporting Goods store at Monroe Marketplace in Pennsylvania. Paul Weaver | SOPA Images | LightRocket | Getty Images Dick’s Sporting Goods on Tuesday reported quarterly earnings and revenue that topped analysts’ expectations and boosted its financial outlook for the year. The sporting
Negative economic growth in the year’s first half may be a foreshock to a much deeper downturn that could last into 2024. Stephen Roach, who served as chair of Morgan Stanley Asia, warns the U.S. needs a “miracle” to avoid a recession. “We’ll definitely have a recession as the lagged impacts of this major monetary
Westend61 | Westend61 | Getty Images September has historically been the worst month for stocks. To that point, just two months have delivered an average negative return for stocks since 1945, according to market research firm CFRA: February and September, with the latter being the worst. The Stock Trader’s Almanac reports that, on average, September is
Traders on the floor of the NYSE, Aug. 11, 2022. Source: NYSE As the market reacted in alarm to Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s hawkish comments and determined tone on Friday, I struggled to retrieve an analogous situation that ended well. My conclusion is that, although we have experienced a bear-confirming drop of over 20%
Simonskafar | E+ | Getty Images President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act, which contained the largest climate spending package in U.S. history. The legislation earmarks $369 billion for climate and energy policies, including financial incentives for consumers and businesses that take steps to boost energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse
A customer shops in a Kroger grocery store on July 15, 2022 in Houston. Brandon Bell | Getty Images Many consumers have suffered sticker shock at the grocery store due to record high inflation. But another surprise that’s grabbing consumers’ attention — and even trending on TikTok — is “shrinkflation.” Almost two-thirds, 64%, of all