
JGI/Jamie Grill If you’re one of the millions of Americans with student loans, President Joe Biden’s forgiveness plan may be welcome relief. However, there are some key things to know about the income limits, experts say. Biden will cancel $10,000 for most borrowers or up to $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients, limited to those making
De goudprijs, vrijdag nog $1751 per troy ounce (31,1 gram), is dit jaar al zo’n 4% gedaald, bij een kleine opleving, en zakte liefst 15% sinds de piek van 8 maart. Consumenten krijgen steeds minder voor hun goud. ,,De belangrijkste redenen zijn een agressieve verkrapping van het monetaire beleid door de centrale banken”, stelt Georgette
Oscar Wong | Moment | Getty Images Most investors think of exchange-traded funds as a simple way to buy a diversified basket of individual stocks tracking an index or with exposure to a particular theme. But now there are also so-called single-stock ETFs, allowing leveraged bets on individual stocks. However, regulators and advisors warn these
Getty Images President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan will soon cancel debt for millions of Americans — and the relief is tax-free on federal returns. However, experts say the cancellation may still trigger a state tax bill. Most borrowers making less than $125,000 per year or $250,000 for married couples filing together will qualify
The U.S. Secret Service returned $286 million in fraudulently obtained pandemic aid loans to the Small Business Administration, the agency announced Friday. The funds sent back to the SBA were obtained via the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program using both fabricated information and stolen identities. The suspects used Green Dot Bank, a fintech institution,