
Geldverstrekkers hanteren namelijk nog een stuk hogere marges dan een jaar eerder. De meest populaire rentevaste periode is nu tien jaar. Daar wordt dan ook het stevigst geconcurreerd door geldverstrekkers. Dit tarief, met NHG, daalde de afgelopen vier weken met 0,29 procentpunt, terwijl dat van vijf jaar vast zonder NHG slechts 0,10 procentpunt daalde. Seizoenseffect
In this article 700-HK Tencent posted its first ever quarterly year-on-year revenue decline as stricter regulations around gaming in China and a resurgence of Covid-19 in the world’s second-largest economy hit the technology giant. Here’s how Tencent did in the second quarter, versus Refinitiv consensus estimates:  Revenue: 134.03 billion Chinese yuan ($19.78 billion) vs. 134.6
In this article OXY BRK.A Warren Buffett at press conference during the Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders Meeting, April 30, 2022. CNBC Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway on Friday received regulatory approval to purchase up to 50% of oil giant Occidental Petroleum. Shares of Occidental jumped 10% on the news to close at $71.29 apiece, pushing their 2022
In this article FTCI Srdjanpav | E+ | Getty Images The Federal Trade Commission announced this week that it would send thousands of checks totaling more than $822,000 to student loan borrowers who lost money in a debt-relief scam. More than 14,500 consumers who paid money to a company that operated under the name Student