
In this article ABNB Brian Chesky, CEO and Co-founder of Airbnb Mike Segar | Reuters Airbnb beat Wall Street estimates for earnings and posted revenue that was in line with estimates for the second quarter. The company also announced a $2 billion share buyback program. Shares were down about 9% after hours, despite what appeared to
Sporrer/Rupp | Image Source | Getty Images Market drops may stoke retirees’ fears that they will no longer have enough assets to live on. But it turns out that may not be the biggest financial risk they should be watching for in retirement. Instead, longevity — the prospect retirees may live longer than expected and
Dat blijkt uit de nieuwe Monitor Koopwoningmarkt van het Expertisecentrum Woningwaarde van de TU Delft. In het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar werden 4500 nieuwbouwwoningen aangeboden en 5500 verkocht. Daarmee worden de ambitieuze doelstellingen van het kabinet – 100.000 nieuwe woningen per jaar – lang niet gehaald. Zelfs de oude doelstelling van 75.000 lijkt ver