In this article HOOD Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev said Tuesday in a press release that the fintech company will reduce its headcount by approximately 23%. The layoffs will be primarily in operations, marketing and program management. In the release, Tenev blamed “deterioration of the macro environment, with inflation at 40-year highs accompanied by a broad
Container trucks line up to enter the Port of Keelung in Keelung, Taiwan. Data show that Taiwan depends more on China for trade than it does on the U.S. Billy H.C. Kwok | Bloomberg | Getty Images BEIJING — Data show that Taiwan depends more on China for trade than it does on the U.S.,
In June 2012, at 34 years old and after 13 years of working in investment banking, I wanted out. So I decided to negotiate a severance, retire early, and live off passive income through my rental properties, stock dividends and e-book sales. But just one year in, I realized that the life of travel and leisure
Getty Images If you took out a loan earlier this year, there’s a chance you’ll be hearing from your bank about a flub that may have been part of its lending decision. One of the three big credit-reporting companies, Equifax, announced this week that a coding issue resulted in the company providing inaccurate consumer credit
Macklemore plays a shot at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am at Pebble Beach Golf Links on February 02, 2022 in Pebble Beach, California. Orlando Ramirez | Getty Images Sport | Getty Images The popularity of golf has surged in recent years and during the pandemic, with new golfers and the further spread of non-traditional ways to
In this article ZG Lacheev / Getty As today’s prospective home buyers confront high home prices and rising interest rates, there’s one thing they can do to save money — raise their credit scores. “This is one actionable thing buyers can do to save a little bit of money in this market,” said Amanda Pendleton,
Nancy Pelosi has landed in Taiwan ahead of her controversial trip. #NancyPelosi #China #Taiwan #Bitcoin #Equities #Stocks #US #Investing #Trading #NYSE #NASDAQ #$BTC #$ETH
11:16Video ‘Hiermee verraadt B&B Vol liefde-Dave relatiestatus’ Dit is jouw wekelijkse Reality Snack! Dé guilty pleasure na het kijken van jouw favoriete realityserie, waarin Eva van Riet en Karlijn Bernoster samen met de kijker nagenieten. Op dit moment smullen we van B&B Vol liefde, waar Martijn in Portugal steeds meer los lijkt te komen en
Onderzoekers van KPN Security namen de afgelopen tijd ongeveer duizend webwinkels onder de loep. In de openbare html-code zochten zij naar de aanwezigheid van verdachte zaken. De onderzoekers troffen deze aan bij 46 webshops. De onregelmatigheden variëren van ongeldige keurmerklogo’s en het ontbreken van beveiligde https-verbindingen tot valse of ontbrekende KvK-nummers, e-mailadressen en telefoonnummers. De
Key Findings Seventeen states will hold a sales tax holiday in 2022, down from a peak of 19 in 2010 and unchanged from last year. Sales tax holidays do not promote economic growth or significantly increase consumer purchases; the evidence (including a 2017 study by Federal Reserve researchers) shows that they simply shift the timing
Heeft uw kind net eindexamen gedaan en de tas aan de vlaggenstok gehangen, en gaat hij een jaar even heel wat anders doen omdat de studiebeurs pas over een jaar ingaat? Wilt u of uw kind daarover vertellen (en wilt u met uw kind op de foto in de krant?) Stuur dan uw verhaal en
In this article WMT Exterior view of a Walmart store on August 23, 2020 in North Bergen, New Jersey VIEW press | Corbis News | Getty Images Walmart confirmed on Wednesday that it has begun to lay off corporate employees about a week after the company slashed its profit outlook and warned that consumers had