Traders on the floor of the NYSE, June 16, 2022. Source: NYSE Stock futures rose in overnight trading Monday following a brutal week as investors assessed a more aggressive Federal Reserve and rising chances of a recession. Futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained more than 250 points. S&P 500 futures climbed 1.1% and
Jodi Jacobson | Getty Images You don’t have to be older and rich to do some estate planning. In fact, regardless of age and wealth, experts say virtually everyone should consider how they want their assets distributed upon their death and what decisions will be made by whom if they are unable to make those
Washington, D.C.-area residents Cara Baldari and her 9-month-old daughter Evie (left) and Sarah Orrin-Vipond and her 8-month-old son Otto (right), join a rally in front of the U.S. Capitol on Dec. 13, 2021. Alex Wong | Getty Images Bringing back the enhanced child tax credit with monthly checks would help lift millions of children out
As quickly as mortgage rates are rising, the once red-hot housing market is cooling off. Home prices are still historically high, but there is concern now that they will ease up as well. All of this has people asking: Is today’s housing market in the same predicament that it was over a decade ago, when
17 jun.Financieel ’Medewerkers SpaceX vliegen er uit om kritiek op topman Elon Musk’ SpaceX, het ruimtevaartbedrijf van Elon Musk, heeft naar verluidt ten minste vijf werknemers ontslagen, omdat ze een brief hebben verspreid met kritiek op de bekende zakenman. In hun schrijven zouden ze ook hebben opgeroepen om de cultuur bij het bedrijf inclusiever te
Naleving van de basisregels zoals thuiswerken bij klachten, goed ventileren, het is allemaal (weer) belangrijk nu het aantal coronabesmettingen in Nederland oploopt en de vakantieperiode zelfs nog moet beginnen; en zeker ook gelet op de personeelskrapte en mogelijk extra verzuim. ‘Hoe meer we nu al met elkaar de besmettingen onder controle houden, des te minder
Met name fans van de Formule 1 klagen al maanden over slechte streams, de slechte bereikbaarheid van de klantenservice en het gegeven dat Viaplay de consumenten zelf vaak de schuld geeft van de problemen. De Consumentenbond riep het platform eind mei op om actie te ondernemen. De compensatie die Viaplay kan geven zou bijvoorbeeld een
In this article SBUX A pedestrian carries a Starbucks branded cup in San Francisco, California, U.S., on Thursday, April 28, 2022. Starbucks Corp. David Paul Morris | Bloomberg | Getty Images Starbucks’ North American president Rossann Williams is leaving the company and will be replaced by the head of the coffee chain’s Asia Pacific division.
Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke Friday via video at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum’s plenary session, which Russian President Vladimir Putin opened with a speech over an hour long. This picture is from Putin’s visit to Beijing in early February 2022. Alexei Druzhinin | AFP | Getty Images BEIJING — Chinese President Xi Jinping
Calling all brainiacs: Bill Gates wants people with high IQs to work for climate-friendly businesses instead of flocking to Wall Street. At a recent TechCrunch event, Gates spoke about how his climate-focused fund, Breakthrough Energy, has attempted to lure the types of high-IQ employees who’d otherwise be seeking lucrative gigs in fields like investment banking.
In this article NTAP ORCL IHS BAC AAPL Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks during Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose, California, June 6, 2022. Peter Dasilva | Reuters It’s just about the middle of the year, and there’s no end in sight for stock market volatility. Investors, already reeling from sharp declines in
Elena Kurkutova | Istock | Getty Images Older Americans may have a number of different goals with their retirement savings. But usually their main goal is the same: to make it last. Unfortunately, many younger baby boomers and members of subsequent generations who don’t have access to a traditional pension could outlive the funds in