In this article GME A GameStop location in New York, Dec. 23, 2021. Scott Mlyn | CNBC GameStop reported $1.38 billion in revenue in its fiscal first-quarter earnings report Wednesday, up slightly from the $1.27 billion it reported in the year-ago quarter. But, it also reported a $157.9 million net loss, which is worse than
A trader works on the trading floor at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in Manhattan, New York City, U.S., May 18, 2022. Andrew Kelly | Reuters U.S. stock futures were flat Wednesday night as economic concerns dragged down investor sentiment. Futures tied to the Dow Jones Industrial Average edged lower by 13 points, or
Klaus Vedfelt | DigitalVision | Getty Images Months of stock market volatility may deliver a costly surprise to parents sending children to school this fall: smaller-than-expected 529 college savings plan balances. The average 529 account size was $30,287 in 2021, according to the College Savings Plans Network, but families may now have lower balances, financial
In this article MS Countries like the U.S. and U.K. are grappling with inflation that has risen to multi-year highs as the Ukraine war has caused energy prices to spike and food prices to rise. Angela Weiss | AFP | Getty Images Talk of a recession is heating up, with Wall Street veterans flagging the
Stacy Francis Source: Stacy Francis Stacy Francis never planned to become a financial advisor, especially one for women going through divorce. But a candid talk with her grandmother shifted her career trajectory. Her grandmother, Myra, was a victim of spousal abuse and, before passing, she confessed to staying in her marriage because she felt “financially
David Jakle | Image Source | Getty Images It’s been a tough year for municipal bonds, with investors cashing out amid rising interest rates. However, higher yields and strong credit may be sparking a shift, experts say. While investors piled a record-breaking $96.8 billion of net money into U.S. muni mutual and exchange-traded funds in
Last week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its long overdue report on the nation’s budget and economic outlook for the years 2022 through 2032. Normally published at the beginning of the year, the delayed report reflects higher-than-anticipated inflation, tax revenues, deficits, and debt since the previous update CBO published nearly a year ago in
A “For Sale” sign outside a house in Crockett, California, on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. David Paul Morris | Bloomberg | Getty Images Mortgage rates rose sharply this week, after pulling back over the last three weeks. The 30-year fixed hit 5.36% Monday and then moved higher again Tuesday to 5.47%, according to Mortgage News
‘De plannen van Minister De Jonge van Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening om de gebouwde omgeving te verduurzamen zien er goed uit. Wel hadden bijvoorbeeld de allerkleinste ondernemers beter mee kunnen worden genomen in de aanpak voor huishoudens en in het nationaal isolatieprogramma.’ Dat zeggen MKB-Nederland en VNO-NCW in een eerste reactie op de nieuwe plannen.
In het eerste kwartaal was er nog sprake van een piek in het aantal aanvragen, met februari als absolute topmaand met 72.351 aanvragen. Dat had vooral te maken met de stijgende rentes, waardoor veel woningbezitters besloten om de hypotheek om te zetten. In mei waren het vooral de verbouwers die zich bij de hypotheekverstrekkers meldden.
De prijzen verschillen per tankstation, en kunnen van moment tot moment fluctueren. De prijs wordt centraal bepaald door de grote oliemaatschappijen. Per dag kan dat bij het tanken 10 tot 15 cent schelen, afhankelijk van het moment waarop je gaat tanken. Wie goedkoop uit wil zijn kan kijken op een speciale website die de prijzen
European Union leaders reached an agreement this week to ban the majority of Russian crude oil and petroleum product imports, but nations were already shunning the country’s oil, altering global flows for the commodity that powers the world. Russian oil exports had already been hurt by some EU members acting preemptively in anticipation of potential