
Westend61 | Westend61 | Getty Images The end of the year is one of the most important times for investors because there are so many decisions to make that impact their overall financial planning. This time around, the year’s end is marked with a lot of financial challenges, including inflation, market volatility, domestic political uncertainties
Terry Vine | Getty Images There are few bright spots for investors in a down market. But tax-loss harvesting, which allows you to offset profits with losses, may offer a silver lining. Before attempting, however, you need to know your complete tax situation, experts say. Here’s why: There’s a lesser-known 0% long-term capital gains tax
Amid soaring inflation, the IRS this week announced higher federal income tax brackets and standard deductions for 2023. The agency has boosted the income thresholds for each bracket, applying to tax year 2023 for returns filed in 2024. These brackets show how much you’ll owe for federal income taxes on each portion of your “taxable