
Bloom Productions Amid ongoing market volatility, actively managed exchange-traded funds may have a place in your portfolio. Most ETFs, which trade throughout the day like stocks, are passively managed — which means a fund’s performance generally mirrors the ups and downs of whichever index it tracks. A small but growing share, however, are employing active
JGI/Jamie Grill The Covid-19 pandemic really highlighted how financially troubled our society is. Debt levels are extremely high, bankruptcies are commonplace and many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Today’s adults are suffering and may be setting the next generation up for trouble, as well. Tackling the financial literacy crisis in America begins in the
Stacy Francis Source: Stacy Francis Stacy Francis never planned to become a financial advisor, especially one for women going through divorce. But a candid talk with her grandmother shifted her career trajectory.  Her grandmother, Myra, was a victim of spousal abuse and, before passing, she confessed to staying in her marriage because she felt “financially
Ariel Skelley | Digitalvision | Getty Images The double whammy of a declining stock market and rising interest rates has been pummeling homebuilder stocks this year, resulting in rock-bottom valuations. Those valuations make housing stocks look like the worst home in a bad neighborhood. But in reality, the industry is the cheapest house in an