A resident receives a Covid-19 swab test during a mobile clinic at Saint Paul MB Church in Cleveland, Mississippi, on Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022. Rory Doyle | Bloomberg | Getty Images U.S. health officials are optimistic, albeit cautiously, the country has turned the corner on the unprecedented wave of infection caused by the omicron Covid
In this article HD LOW A customer wearing a protective mask loads lumber at a Home Depot store in Pleasanton, California, on Monday, Feb. 22, 2021. David Paul Morris | Bloomberg | Getty Images Home Depot’s next CEO Ted Decker said he wants home professionals to think of the company as more than a convenience
Airbus hydrogen A380 demonstrator Airbus hydrogen A380 demonstrator Airbus said it plans to test a hydrogen-powered engine on a modified A380 by the middle of the decade, in hopes of bringing lower-emissions fuels to commercial air travel. The European aircraft giant said Tuesday that it’s working with engine-maker CFM International — a joint venture of
A person walks down the sidewalk near the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., February 16, 2022. Jon Cherry | Reuters The Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to hear a Christian website designer’s appeal challenging a Colorado law that bars businesses from refusing to serve customers based on their sexual orientation. The court will
In this article M A man checks his phone as he walks past Macy’s flagship store in New York City. Getty Images Macy’s isn’t breaking up after all. On Tuesday, the department store chain affirmed that it will forge ahead as one retailer, despite pressure from activist Jana Partners to split into two entities. During
In this article PTON A Peloton store in Walnut Creek, California, U.S., on Monday, Feb. 7, 2022. David Paul Morris | Bloomberg | Getty Images Peloton on Tuesday suffered a major outage that meant at least some users were unable to take its live and on-demand fitness classes. According to the services page on its
Peopleimages | Istock | Getty Images The ups and downs of the stock market may have you tempted to make changes to your portfolio. Yet time and again experts will tell you to never let emotions drive your investing decisions. This week, fear may be a factor for investors watching developments between Russia and Ukraine.
Here are the most important news, trends and analysis that investors need to start their trading day: Stocks set to open lower on Wall Street but way off overnight lows U.K. hits Russia with sanctions ahead of expected U.S. punitive measures Russia recognizes independence of two pro-Moscow regions in Ukraine Macy’s jumped, Home Depot slumped
Samen met het Versnellingshuis, regionale ondernemersorganisaties en overheden organiseren MKB-Nederland en VNO-NCW komende week (7 t/m 11 februari) diverse activiteiten voor ondernemers in het kader van de Circulaire Economie (CE). 258 events Vanuit het Versnellingshuis -en dankzij talloze (regionale) partners- worden maar liefst 258 evenementen in de week van de CE georganiseerd door het
MKB-Nederland en VNO-NCW zijn blij dat minister De Jonge van Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening niet vasthoudt aan de inwerkingtreding van de Omgevingswet op 1 juli 2022. Hij wil, mede op verzoek van de ondernemersorganisaties, meer tijd nemen om te oefenen met het nieuwe systeem. ‘Het is wel zaak dat er snel duidelijkheid komt over de
‘In tien van de twaalf provincies spelen problemen met het elektriciteitsnet en ondervinden bedrijven vertraging om bijvoorbeeld hun zonnedak, laadpalen of panden en installaties op het net aangesloten te krijgen. Daardoor kunnen bedrijven in problemen komen met het halen van de klimaatdoelen. Dit is slecht voor het ondernemingsklimaat, juist in een tijd waarin Nederland zich
MKB-Nederland en VNO-NCW zijn blij met de signalen dat de economie volgende week weer open gaat. Ze roepen het kabinet op alle beperkingen er af te halen. ‘Nu het hoge aantal besmettingen nog altijd nauwelijks leidt tot extra druk in de zorg, kunnen we ook de laatste stap naar volledige opening zetten, net als in