Personal finance

Ascentxmedia | E+ | Getty Images Many workers dream of an early retirement. In reality, more than half of workers — 58% — retire earlier than they planned, usually due to unforeseen circumstances, according to new research from Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies in collaboration with Transamerica Institute. The median age they call it quits
10’000 Hours | Digitalvision | Getty Images As families gather for Thanksgiving this year, money is one topic that likely won’t be discussed. Yet experts say it’s a perfect time to start the conversation, particularly with aging parents. More than half of Americans — 56% — say their parents never discussed money with them, according
Sporrer/Rupp | Image Source | Getty Images Most Americans are concerned about what may happen to Social Security when its retirement trust fund crosses a projected 2033 depletion date, according to a new Bankrate survey. Nearly three-quarters, 73%, of non-retired adults and 71% retired adults say they worry they won’t receive their benefits if the
Westend61 | Getty More than 72.5 million Americans will see a 2.5% cost-of-living adjustment in their Social Security and Supplemental Security Income checks in 2025. Before then, beneficiaries can expect to receive a notice detailing how their monthly checks will change. In December, the notices will be available online for beneficiaries who have My Social
Boogich | E+ | Getty Images Lenders often encourage federal student loan borrowers to enroll in automatic payments. It can seem like a good idea to do so: Borrowers don’t need to worry about missing a payment and often get a slightly lower interest rate in exchange. However, the decision can backfire in a lending