More than a third of millennials and half of Generation Z would be happy to receive 50% of their salary in cryptocurrencies, revealed a study. Srdjanpav | E+ | Getty Images With more than $1 trillion in cryptocurrency value wiped out since the 2021 high-water mark, many investors may be tempted to enter the cryptocurrency
Woman on her back pushing shopping cart in supermarket aisle David Espejo | Getty Images Experts are weighing the odds as to how likely a recession is and how fast it could come upon us. Most Americans — 70% — already believe an economic downturn is on its way, according to a new survey from
David Ryder | Getty Images After staggering growth during the pandemic, the U.S. housing Boismarket is starting to cool — and it’s happening fastest along the West Coast. The quickest-cooling real estate market is San Jose, California, according to a new Redfin analysis, which ranked U.S. metropolitan markets based on median sales prices, year-over-year inventory
Door Marlou Visser 44 min geleden in GELD Kopieer naar clipboard Amsterdam – De boodschappen zijn duur, energie is duur en tanken is al helemaal duur. De meeste Nederlanders zuchten onder de inflatie, die momenteel rond de 10% schommelt. Heb jij een manier gevonden om aan de inflatie te ontkomen? Dan horen we graag van je!
Wie het spaargeld vijf of tien jaar kan missen, kan zelfs weer meer dan 2% rente per jaar ontvangen, blijkt uit een overzicht van vergelijkingssite Coöperatie Dela, bekend van de uitvaartverzekeringen, biedt 2% rente per jaar. Nadelen: je moet het geld minimaal tien jaar kunnen missen. Wie eerder wil stoppen, betaalt een boete van
Door Chris Broesder 1 min geleden in GELD Kopieer naar clipboard HAARLEM – Voor een artikel over in-game aankopen bij computerspellen, zijn we op zoek naar mensen die regelmatig dit soort aankopen doen. Koop jij regelmatig een andere outfit, wapen of iets anders in een game? Of heb je een zoon of dochter die dit veel doet?
De consumentenorganisatie onderzocht de tarieven van acht grote energieleveranciers. Daarbij werden de tarieven vergeleken op 1 januari van dit jaar met 1 juli, toen de btw-verlaging werd doorgevoerd. De btw op energie ging van 21 naar 9%. Maandelijks De energieprijzen zijn het afgelopen halfjaar flink gestegen, mede door de oorlog in Oekraïne. Naar verwachting gaan
While the bulk of the proposed tax increases and spending programs remain under debate, Democratic lawmakers have reportedly agreed on prescription drug pricing provisions as a starting point for a revived Build Back Better package. Advocates of the drug pricing policy argue it would allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices, but it amounts to government
In this article GPS Sonia Syngal, president and chief executive officer of Old Navy Inc., speaks during the Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2019. Sarah Silbiger | Bloomberg | Getty Images Gap Inc. Chief Executive Officer and President Sonia Syngal is stepping down, effective immediately, the apparel retailer
Traders on the floor of the NYSE, June 27, 2022. Source: NYSE U.S. stock futures were little changed after hours Monday as Wall Street looks ahead to what many expect will be the start of a volatile second quarter earnings season this week. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures rose by 16 points, or 0.05%. S&P
When Paul Sullivan was hired to write his “Wealth Matters” column in The New York Times 13 years ago, Americans’ relationships with wealth and wealthy people were undergoing a rapid shift. “When I interviewed for the job in 2008, it was the day Bear Stearns collapsed. I was told I could create the ‘Wealth Matters’
Skynesher | E+ | Getty Images If you’re among the millions of workers who have left their job as part of the so-called Great Resignation that’s still rumbling through the labor market, be sure not to neglect your 401(k). While you may have options for how to handle retirement savings in your ex-employer’s plan, there