Valerie Macon | AFP | Getty Images Customer service wait times from Social Security may be improving, at least for mail correspondence. A new report from the Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General details the results of an investigation into deficiencies in the agency’s handling of U.S. mail during the Covid-19 pandemic. In
Real estate and related industries account for more than a quarter of China’s economy, according to Moody’s estimates. CFOTO | Future Publishing | Getty Images China’s real estate bonds were once key performance drivers for Asia junk bond funds, but the market share from property bonds has fallen as a result of the country’s property
De Europese Centrale Bank (ECB) heeft in een spoedoverleg besloten om landen met hoge schulden, zoals Italië en Griekenland, extra tegemoet te komen. DFT-verslaggever Martin Visser kijkt kritisch naar dit besluit: ,,Dit plan kan de euro ontzettend verzwakken.” In een nieuwe aflevering van de podcast Kwestie van Centen bespreekt Visser samen met DFT-collega Herman Stam
De resultaten zijn gebaseerd op een uitgebreid enquêteonderzoek onder Nederlandse inwoners van 18 jaar en ouder. Goedkoop scheefwonen komt vooral voor bij paren zonder kinderen in de leeftijdsgroep 34-64 jaar. Daarvan verdient bijna een derde te veel om de sociale woning te mogen wonen, blijkt uit het onderzoek. Van de paren met kinderen heeft 13%
ING, MeesPierson (nu onderdeel van ABN AMRO) en Staalbankiers, waarvan de hypotheken zijn overgegaan naar Achmea, hebben volgens de advocaat in de aanloop naar de financiële crisis hypotheken verkocht die in Zwitserse franken werden uitgegeven. Dat leek toen een aantrekkelijk financieel product, maar inmiddels is de situatie totaal veranderd. In 2015 is door de Zwitserse
Note: This analysis was published in conjunction with the Archbridge Institute. Below is an excerpt of the full analysis. Click the link above to access the full report in PDF format. Key Findings The marginal tax wedge is relevant for understanding how workers might benefit (or not) from an increase in pay once taxes enter
The Starlink logo is seen in the background of a silhouetted woman holding a mobile phone. Sopa Images | Lightrocket | Getty Images The Federal Communications Commission authorized SpaceX to provide Starlink satellite internet to vehicles in motion, a key step for Elon Musk’s company to further expand the service. “Authorizing a new class of
The Walgreens store at State and Randolph Streets in Chicago. Nancy Stone | Chicago Tribune | Tribune News Service via Getty Images Walgreens Boots Alliance on Thursday reported quarterly sales and earnings that came in above expectations as it grew online sales and continued to administer Covid-19 vaccines. The drugstore chain stood by its outlook
In this article FEMA The Atlantic hurricane season is in full swing, and a new exchange-traded fund that focuses on disaster recovery has launched just in time for it. The first-of-its-kind Procure Disaster Recovery Strategy ETF invests in companies working to reduce risk and motivate sustainable recovery from natural disasters around the world. “Our partners
The Supreme Court’s recent 5-4 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and allow states to outlaw abortion could have long-lasting financial effects on those seeking the procedure, researchers have found. Those who are unable to get an abortion and later go on to give birth are more likely to experience “an increase in household poverty
Traders on the floor of the NYSE, June 29, 2022. Source: NYSE (Click here to subscribe to the new Delivering Alpha newsletter.) A majority of Wall Street investors believe the market stands pretty much dead in the water for the rest of 2022 and, as a result, think it’s time to buy dividend-paying stocks, according to the
Justin Sullivan / Getty If you’re holding the winning ticket for Powerball’s $366.7 million jackpot, don’t forget about your silent partner: Uncle Sam. After rolling higher for about two months of three weekly drawings with no winner, the lottery game’s top prize was nabbed in Wednesday night’s drawing. The ticket was purchased in Vermont, which