De inflatie is door onder meer de sterke stijging van de vraag naar goederen en diensten na de coronapandemie gestegen. Dat leidde namelijk tot leveringsproblemen, zoals bij computerchips. Maar ook andere zaken zijn lastiger te krijgen, onder meer door lockdowns in landen als China, maar ook door de oorlog in Oekraïne. Die leidde, mede door
Vooral mensen die eigenlijk voldoende hebben aan enkel de verplichte WA-dekking, kiezen toch nog regelmatig een hogere dekking, volgens de vergelijkingswebsite. Ook kiest 17,6% van hen zelfs voor de meest uitgebreide allrisk-autoverzekering. „Dat is zonde, want een allrisk-verzekering kost je honderden euro’s per jaar, terwijl je er vaak weinig aan hebt”, vindt expert Amanda Bulthuis
Although the majority of 2022 state tax changes take effect at the start of the calendar year, some are implemented at the beginning of the fiscal year. Individual and corporate income tax changes usually take effect at the beginning of the calendar year to maintain policy consistency throughout the tax year, but sales and excise
Eakgrunge | Istock | Getty Images There’s been record demand for federal Series I savings bonds, an inflation-protected and nearly risk-free asset, offering an eye-popping 9.62% annual return through October. However, it’s not easy to buy I bonds through TreasuryDirect, a 20-year-old platform run by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, financial advisors say.  “It’s
In this article NFLX RDFN Holger Scheibe | The Image Bank | Getty Images While “Hiring Now” signs dot storefronts and highways across America, the job market may be starting to cool. The Federal Reserve’s decision to bring down inflation by raising interest rates has some projecting a slowing economy — and slower sales —
Ric Edelman, founder of the Digital Assets Council of Financial Professionals. Heidi Gutman | CNBC Bitcoin’s recent rout — including its recent drop below $20,000 — has given some cryptocurrency naysayers an “I told you so” moment. “How do you make a million? Invest a billion in bitcoin,” one panelist joked at a conference for