A “For Sale” sign is seen outside a home in New York. Shannon Stapleton | Reuters A historic housing shortage – brought on by the one-two punch of slow construction and strong pandemic-induced demand – is finally starting to ease. Active listings for homes jumped 19% in June, the fastest annual pace since Realtor.com began
De inflatie is door onder meer de sterke stijging van de vraag naar goederen en diensten na de coronapandemie gestegen. Dat leidde namelijk tot leveringsproblemen, zoals bij computerchips. Maar ook andere zaken zijn lastiger te krijgen, onder meer door lockdowns in landen als China, maar ook door de oorlog in Oekraïne. Die leidde, mede door
Door ANP 1 uur geleden in GELD Kopieer naar clipboard Ⓒ ANP/HH AMSTERDAM – Als mensen mobiel internet gebruiken, moeten telecomproviders alle data in rekening brengen. Ze mogen geen voorrang geven aan de ene dienst of applicatie ten koste van een andere. Dat heeft de toezichthouder, de Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM), donderdag gezegd.
Vooral mensen die eigenlijk voldoende hebben aan enkel de verplichte WA-dekking, kiezen toch nog regelmatig een hogere dekking, volgens de vergelijkingswebsite. Ook kiest 17,6% van hen zelfs voor de meest uitgebreide allrisk-autoverzekering. „Dat is zonde, want een allrisk-verzekering kost je honderden euro’s per jaar, terwijl je er vaak weinig aan hebt”, vindt expert Amanda Bulthuis
Although the majority of 2022 state tax changes take effect at the start of the calendar year, some are implemented at the beginning of the fiscal year. Individual and corporate income tax changes usually take effect at the beginning of the calendar year to maintain policy consistency throughout the tax year, but sales and excise
In this article LGF.A Liberty Media’s John Malone Michael Kovac | Getty Images Starz wasn’t John Malone’s most successful investment. But it may be his most symbolic. The media mogul once controlled Starz as an independent company. In 2016, he merged it with Lionsgate, another company he owned a piece of at the time. A
In this article BBBY A pedestrian walks by a Bed Bath and Beyond store in San Francisco, California. Justin Sullivan | Getty Images Bed Bath & Beyond said Wednesday that it is replacing CEO Mark Tritton as part of a leadership shakeup as the retailer’s quarterly sales and earnings sharply missed Wall Street expectations. Shares
Charles Scharf Qilai Shen | Bloomberg | Getty Images Wells Fargo CEO Charles Scharf said he is betting on “more significant rate hikes” as the Federal Reserve tries to rein in high inflation, and that the economy is not as prepared as it should be. “I wouldn’t bet on a number, but I would bet
Eakgrunge | Istock | Getty Images There’s been record demand for federal Series I savings bonds, an inflation-protected and nearly risk-free asset, offering an eye-popping 9.62% annual return through October. However, it’s not easy to buy I bonds through TreasuryDirect, a 20-year-old platform run by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, financial advisors say. “It’s
In this article NFLX RDFN Holger Scheibe | The Image Bank | Getty Images While “Hiring Now” signs dot storefronts and highways across America, the job market may be starting to cool. The Federal Reserve’s decision to bring down inflation by raising interest rates has some projecting a slowing economy — and slower sales —
Ric Edelman, founder of the Digital Assets Council of Financial Professionals. Heidi Gutman | CNBC Bitcoin’s recent rout — including its recent drop below $20,000 — has given some cryptocurrency naysayers an “I told you so” moment. “How do you make a million? Invest a billion in bitcoin,” one panelist joked at a conference for
Former U.S. President Donald Trump arrives at Trump Tower in Manhattan on August 15, 2021 in New York City. James Devaney | GC Images | Getty Images A New York judge on Wednesday lifted a contempt-of-court order against former President Donald Trump that was imposed after he failed to comply with a subpoena as part