People walk into a house for sale in Floral Park, Nassau County, New York. Wang Ying | Xinhua News Agency | Getty Images Home price increases slowed ever so slightly in April, but it is the first potential sign of a cooling in prices. Prices rose 20.4% nationally in April compared with the same month
Het afbouwen van de vrijstelling van de BPM-heffing op bestelbussen is een onredelijke lastenverzwaring voor ondernemers en doet niets voor de vergroening van het bedrijfswagenpark, in tegendeel zelfs. Met die boodschap heeft voorzitter Jacco Vonhof van MKB-Nederland vanmiddag in de Tweede Kamer een petitie overhandigd aan de vaste commissie voor infrastructuur en waterstaat. Dat deed
De Deense overheid is daarom een campagne begonnen van omgerekend €3,4 miljoen met adviezen voor huishoudens om het energieverbruik te verminderen. Ook wordt aangeraden stekkers uit stopcontacten te halen als mensen op zomervakantie gaan. Huishoudens zijn goed voor circa 29% van het gasverbruik in Denemarken. „We hopen dat met deze campagne Denen hun energieverbruik zullen
Het UWV moet bepalen of werknemers die twee jaar ziek zijn en niet of minder kunnen werken, recht hebben op een arbeidsongeschiktheidsuitkering. Van alle personen die sinds het begin van de pandemie wegens blijvende coronaklachten door een verzekeringsarts werden gekeurd, bleek bij 85% dat zij arbeidsongeschikt zijn. Het overgrote merendeel was daarbij volledig arbeidsongeschikt. Impact
After an unpredictable legislative journey, the European Union has entered the final stage of negotiations on the world’s first carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM). It would appear that some in the United States Congress are paying attention. On June 8th, the European Parliament rejected a proposal to reform the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) which
CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Monday told investors that while the market has yet to overcome the challenges threatening to create a recession, FedEx stock might be able to weather the turbulence. “You might think FedEx would be a helpless victim of high gas prices, potential e-commerce plateau, a [Federal Reserve]-mandated slowdown. That would be wrong.
In this article NKE Nike Air Jordan shoes are seen in the store in Krakow, Poland on August 26, 2021. Jakub Porzycki | Nurphoto | Getty Images Nike on Monday topped Wall Street’s earnings and sales expectations for the fiscal fourth-quarter, as the sneaker giant overcame a Covid lockdown in China and tougher climate for
Stock futures rose slightly in overnight trading Monday following a losing day as investors prepare to rebalance their portfolios with the end of the quarter fast approaching. Futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 36 points. S&P 500 futures edged up 0.2% and Nasdaq 100 futures rose 0.3%. The overnight action followed modest losses
In this article SCHW JPM BLK MS Getty Images As demand grows for specialized portfolios, a trend known as direct indexing is quickly becoming an option for more investors. Rather than owning a mutual or exchange-traded fund, direct indexing is buying the stocks of an index to achieve goals like tax efficiency, diversification or values-based
A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, June 16, 2022. Brendan McDermid | Reuters SPACs, once Wall Street’s hottest tickets, have become one of the most hated trades this year. The proprietary CNBC SPAC Post Deal Index, which is comprised of SPACs that have completed their mergers
Dougal Waters | Getty Images Despite the economic and professional gains made by women over the last 50 years, gender gaps persist — and not just in rate of pay. Retirement readiness and financial know-how are key areas with notable gaps, according to two studies recently released by the TIAA Institute. For example, among workers
A house’s real estate for sale sign shows the home as being “Under Contract” in Washington, DC. Saul Loeb | AFP | Getty Images Pending home sales, a measure of signed contracts on existing homes, rose slightly in May, up 0.7% compared with April, according to the National Association of Realtors. That broke a six-month