Door Marlou Visser 11 min geleden in GELD Kopieer naar clipboard Echt lekker gaat het de laatste tijd niet met veel aandelen. Ⓒ Getty Images Amsterdam – De spaarrente is nul, de inflatie is hoog. Ondertussen werden de laatste jaren op de beurs en zeker ook met cryptomunten mooie rendementen gehaald. Veel Nederlanders hebben daarom recent de stap gemaakt
Door ANP/BLOOMBERG 55 min geleden in GELD Kopieer naar clipboard Ⓒ Bloomberg MOUNTAIN VIEW – LinkedIn gaat honderden vrouwelijke werknemers in totaal $1,8 miljoen betalen. De vrouwen dienden een klacht in omdat ze onterecht minder loon hadden gekregen dan mannelijke collega’s. Het socialmediaplatform trof deze schikking om de beschuldigingen van loondiscriminatie te kunnen afwikkelen.
Getty Images I bonds are currently paying 9.62% annual interest through this October, presenting an opportunity for investors with a range of goals, according to financial experts. These assets, backed by the federal government, are nearly risk-free and inflation-protected, with rates changing every six months based on the consumer price index from the U.S. Bureau
In this article VRRM Thomas Winz | The Image Bank | Getty Images Company: Verra Mobility (VRRM) Business: Verra Mobility operates through two segments: (i) Commercial Services: the market-leading provider of automated toll and violations management and title and registration solutions to rental car companies, fleet management companies, municipalities, school districts and violation issuing authorities;
In more than a century of state income taxes, only four states have ever transitioned from a graduated-rate income tax to a flat tax. Another four may adopt legislation doing so this year. In what is already a year of significant bipartisan focus on tax relief, 2022 is also launching something of a flat tax