Ipggutenbergukltd | Istock | Getty Images Despite the pandemic, most Americans still feel optimistic about a comfortable retirement, but inflation is the top concern among those who aren’t as prepared. That’s according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald Research 32nd annual Retirement Confidence Survey polling 2,677 workers and retirees in January. “Even with
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) unveiled long-anticipated proposed regulations banning the sale of menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars, part of ongoing efforts to support smoking cessation. Critics doubt, however, whether banning mentholated cigarettes will reduce smoking or instead simply channel menthol smokers toward other tobacco products—or smuggled menthols. And states have yet
Lifestylevisuals | E+ | Getty Images Adjustable-rate mortgages are making a comeback. With interest rates surging, more buyers are turning to ARMs, which offer lower initial rates than fixed-rate loans. However, after a certain period, the rate on the ARM adjusts to reflect current market conditions. “You have double the number of borrowers out there
Dat blijkt uit onderzoek door ING, onder zo’n duizend ouders met kinderen tussen 4 en 17 jaar. „We zien dat klanten voor steeds jongere kinderen internetbankieren aanvragen”, zegt Karin Wartena, specialist kind & jongeren bij ING Nederland. Van de kleintjes tussen 4 en 7 heeft liefst 68% al een eigen bankrekening. Bij de groep van
In this article BRK.A Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. David A. Grogan | CNBC Warren Buffett has begun to unleash Berkshire Hathaway’s massive cash stockpile in recent weeks, snapping up an insurer and multi-billion dollar stakes in energy and computer corporations. But his recent moves are more notable for what he has