Audi electric Urbansphere concept car Audi Audi is adding a “lounge on wheels” to its recent portfolio of electric concept vehicles that are designed to portray the German automaker’s vision for the future of transportation in automobiles. The new “Urbansphere” concept was designed for travelers in highly dense traffic areas such as China as a
In this article JNJ Syringes and a box of Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Paul Hennessy | SOPA Images | LightRocket | Getty Images Johnson & Johnson on Tuesday lowered its full-year sales and earnings outlook, and stopped providing Covid-19 vaccine sales guidance due to a global supply surplus and demand uncertainty. J&J is now forecasting
Take a look at some of the biggest movers in the premarket: Netgear (NTGR) – Netgear tumbled 10.6% in premarket trading after the networking equipment maker reported weaker-than-expected preliminary results for the quarter that ended April 3. Netgear also cut its current-quarter revenue forecast, pointing to a weaker U.S. market for WiFi equipment. Zendesk (ZEN)
K. Kenneth Davis, a financial educator known as The Trans Capitalist, has made it his mission to help the LGBTQ+ community understand money. His passion comes from his own experiences: A decade ago, Davis says he found himself nearing a financial catastrophe. Credit card bills were piling up, he was facing eviction, and he was
Gold House Gold House Megan Ruan knows firsthand how representation can impact funding for entrepreneurs. She recalled being the only woman of color working at a family office earlier in her career and running a portfolio of venture investments. “I saw the decisionmaking and how it differed between the people that were check-writers at these
Mixmedia | E+ | Getty Images There’s a renewed push in Congress to let Medicare beneficiaries set aside pre-tax money for medical expenses. Called the Health Savings for Seniors Act and introduced this month in the House, the bipartisan bill revives past legislative efforts to let individuals on Medicare contribute to health savings accounts, or
Lee Jimenez, a teacher at Indian Hill Elementary School in Cincinnati, Ohio, discusses credit cards and methods of payments with his 3rd grade class using online financial education curriculum SmartPath. SMARTPATH There’s momentum for personal finance education becoming law in many states across the country. Even more states could pass legislation this year to make
Net wealth taxes are recurrent taxes on an individual’s wealth, net of debt. The concept of a net wealth tax is similar to a real property tax. But instead of only taxing real estate, it covers all wealth an individual owns. As today’s map shows, only three European OECD countries levy a net wealth tax, namely
Investor confidence in China’s real estate market appear to be boosted by the government’s promise to support the sector and some loosening of policies. But analysts say China’s high-growth property market may be a thing of the past. Getty Images | Getty Images News | Getty Images The tide may be turning on China’s battered
De prijs van een eerste losse betaalrekening zonder pakket gaat van €1,94 naar €2,95. Een eerste losse betaalpas wordt wel goedkoper: van €1,58 naar €1,40. Ook heeft de bank met andere maatschappelijke partijen afgesproken dat de ’cashboete’ minder snel in zicht komt: moet een klant nu betalen als hij of zij in een jaar meer
Ondernemers die als gevolg van corona in zwaar weer verkeren, hebben niet alleen behoefte aan financiële ondersteuning, maar vooral (ook) aan persoonlijk hulp om de crisis te boven te komen. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek naar de ondersteuningsbehoeften van ondernemers, dat Motivaction in opdracht van MKB-Nederland in het kader van het programma ‘Zwaar weer’ heeft uitgevoerd.
Dat becijfert vergelijkingssite De redenering erachter is dat senioren meer brokken maken. „Maar als je kijkt naar het aantal verkeersdoden en autoschades onder deze groep, is het een relatief erg grote stijging”, aldus Amanda Bulthuis van de vergelijkingssite. De premie begint vanaf het 65e jaar te stijgen, ook als alle andere variabelen gelijk blijven.