In het vierde kwartaal van vorig jaar liepen daardoor de besparingen van huishoudens met €5 miljard terug tot €17,1 miljard, meldt het CBS dinsdag. Door de gestegen prijzen nam de gemiddelde consumptie per huishoudens toe, wat ten koste ging van de zogeheten ’vrij besparingen’. Dat zijn voor huishoudens het beschikbaar inkomen minus alle consumptie-uitgaven. Afname
Marshawn Lynch and entertainer Macklemore now co-owners of Seattle Kraken Courtesy: Seattle Kraken The NHL’s Seattle Kraken has added former NFL star Marshawn Lynch and rapper Macklemore as minority investors. The terms of the investments were not made public. Sports bankers estimate that minority equity stake deals similar to this are generally for 1% of
After several rounds of negotiations, Georgia lawmakers enacted HB 1437 on April 4th. If certain financial conditions are met, this tax reform bill will consolidate the state’s six individual income tax brackets into one flat rate, ultimately reaching 4.99 percent over a number of years. The bill is awaiting action by the governor. As it