In this article WFC Wells Fargo signage on May 5th, 2021 in New York City. Bill Tompkins | Michael Ochs Archives | Getty Images Wells Fargo posted first-quarter revenue that fell short of Wall Street estimates and said future credit losses are set to increase. However, the bank’s earnings last quarter topped estimates as loan
Changpeng Zhao, founder and CEO of Binance, speaks at the Blockchain Week Summit in Paris, France, on April 13, 2022. Benjamin Girette | Bloomberg | Getty Images PARIS — The crypto world may have turned a corner when it comes to regulation. The bosses of several major crypto companies told CNBC regulators are beginning to
Growing up in an immigrant household, money was treated as a tool for survival. My parents worked long hours to provide for me and my siblings, and each dollar was used for necessities like bills and food. There wasn’t much room for wants or going on family vacations. I wasn’t taught how to grow my
Three Spots | Istock | Getty Images When you get a new job, there may be a lot of things you want to forget entirely about your former employer. Just be sure your 401(k) plan isn’t one of them. While you may have options for how to handle that retirement savings, there are situations when
A person shops for groceries at Lincoln Market on March 10, 2022 in the Prospect Lefferts Garden neighborhood of Brooklyn borough in New York City. Michael M. Santiago | Getty Images New government inflation data shows prices are surging in one key area – food. Now some states are looking at helping to reduce that
Goddess Brouette, 22, decided to receive lip treatment at Upkeep Medical Spa in Manhattan during the pandemic. Source: Goddess Brouette Goddess Brouette didn’t want to wait much longer. It was time to get her lips filled. After months of research, she decided last year to get a treatment at Upkeep on the Upper East Side
In this article GOOGL Google has dozens of real estate projects around the U.S., and it says at least 20 key projects will receive investments this year to the tune of nearly $10 billion. In a blog post Wednesday, Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai highlighted country-wide offices and data centers either under construction or
De gemeente berekent namelijk haar zogenoemde betaalcapaciteit, het bedrag dat Julia maandelijks overhoudt om van te leven, niet goed. Als Julia de gemeente daarop wijst, moet ze erg lang wachten op een antwoord. Na maanden stuurt de gemeente Julia een lange brief. Allereerst staat daarin dat Julia inderdaad de belastingen niet kan betalen. Ze heeft
A look into airline travel levels increasing to almost pre-pandemic levels.
Werkgeversvereniging AWVN maakt in haar maandbericht bekend dat loonafspraken weer hoger worden. Het jaargemiddelde kruipt richting de 3%. In 2021 kregen werknemers er nog gemiddeld 2,1% bij. Afspraken over loonsverhoging volgen altijd met enige vertraging de economie. In maart werden 23 cao’s gesloten: iets meer dan normaal in maart. De werkgeversvereniging constateert dat er in
In Groot-Brittannië is de rente op studieleningen gekoppeld aan de inflatie, die ook daar torenhoog is. Momenteel betalen Britse afgestudeerden 1,5% over hun schuld. Dat zou vanaf september 9% worden. Britse afgestudeerden hebben dertig jaar om de lening terug te betalen. Als ze daarvoor onvoldoende verdienen, wordt het restant van de lening kwijtgescholden. Wie veel
China’s automobile and component exports more than doubled in 2021 from a year ago, exceeding 30% growth in China’s exports overall, Bernstein analysts found. Yi Fan | Visual China Group | Getty Images BEIJING — China’s latest Covid lockdowns are a greater risk for global inflation today than they were in 2020, Bernstein analysts said.