In this article JBLU A jetBlue Airways airplane takes off from Newark Liberty Airport on September 30, 2018 as seen from Elizabeth, New Jersey. Gary Hershorn | Corbis News | Getty Images JetBlue Airways is offering flight attendants $1,000 bonuses if they don’t call out from work starting Friday through the end of May as
In this article KR DBI WDFC HOOD SAVE BIIB Check out the companies making headlines before the bell: Biogen (BIIB) – Biogen fell 1% in premarket trading after the government announced that Medicare will limit coverage for Aduhelm, Biogen’s Alzheimer’s disease treatment. Coverage will only be provided for patients enrolled in clinical trials. Spirit Airlines
Why more buyers are dropping the inspection continency One of the biggest drivers of fierce competition in the homebuying market right now is the historically low number of houses on the market. There were about 833,000 homes on the market in the U.S. in January, according to Zillow’s most recent monthly market report. Two years
In this article UBSG-CH JPM MS Jed Finn, Chief Operating Officer for Morgan Stanley Wealth Management and Head of Corporate and Institutional Solutions Source: Morgan Stanley After making inroads managing money for the merely wealthy, Morgan Stanley is setting its sights on the richest of the rich — family offices with tens of billions of
mediaphotos | E+ | Getty Images If you still haven’t filed your taxes, you’re not alone. But if you’re worried about the April 18 deadline, it may be time to consider an extension, financial experts say. Nearly one-third of Americans don’t file until the last minute, according to a report from IPX 1031, with many
In this article TREE Anchiy Tax Day is swiftly approaching, and for most filers that means a refund is also likely on the way. This year, many taxpayers are planning to save any refunds they receive in an effort to boost their personal wealth. Some 46% of people plan to save their refunds, according to
As a tax prep service, we know financial literacy is an invaluable skill to have, no matter your goals or occupation. But finances tend to be a touchy subject for many Americans. A Global Financial Literacy survey back in 2018 found that 60 percent of U.S. adults classified themselves as financially anxious. This was even
Anchiy | E+ | Getty Images Many individual investors often look at public markets like they are the only game in town to make money and meet their financial goals. But with lofty valuations of public companies and depressed bond yields, the traditional 60/40 stock-to-bond portfolio has been thrown to the wayside, so the next
De verschillende partijen zijn tot een convenant contant geld gekomen. Minister Sigrid Kaag van Financiën biedt dit vrijdag aan de Tweede Kamer aan. In het convenant zijn afspraken gemaakt om de toegankelijkheid van contant geld te waarborgen. Cashboete Zo komt ABN Amro terug op de omstreden ’cashboete’. Bij deze bank moeten klanten die meer dan
Why taking out an equity loan on your home and investing the proceeds in the stock market is the worst advice you could hear.
Veel klachten gaan over de hoogte van het opgebouwde pensioen en onduidelijke informatie. Ook ontvangen niet alle deelnemers de wettelijk voorgeschreven communicatie, zoals hun Uniform Pensioenoverzicht (UPO). Daarnaast zouden bedragen nog eens niet kloppen. De woordvoerder van de AFM zegt dat zij aanbevelingen hebben voor verbetering. Zo deed AFM een oproep om de klachtenprocedures van
De Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB) zegt dat zogenoemde bankhelpdeskfraude in tegenstelling tot phishing en het stelen van bankpassen nog in opmars is. Volgens de branchevereniging is deze relatief nieuwe vorm van oplichting, waarbij criminelen namens de bank aan consumenten vragen geld naar hen over te maken, moeilijker te voorkomen. De totale schade door fraude