In this article JWN Nordstrom Rack in downtown Seattle Getty Images Nordstrom on Monday announced it is streamlining leadership of its struggling Rack business with that of its full-line department stores, as two executives retire and company veterans reclaim oversight. Scott Meden, Nordstrom chief marketing officer, and Geevy S.K. Thomas, Rack president, will both be
In this photo illustration a novelty Bitcoin token is photographed on £10 notes. Matt Cardy | Getty Images LONDON — The U.K. government on Monday announced plans to mint its own non-fungible token, as part of a push toward becoming a “world leader” in the cryptocurrency space. Finance Minister Rishi Sunak has asked the Royal
Think of a budget as just another list. It’s most efficient to build a budget on a spreadsheet somewhere — whether it’s Microsoft Excel or a Google doc. Add your income and then add new expenses as you spend. And those new expenses will surely pop up. Try to do as much planning as you
In this article TSLA TWTR Elon Musk speaks during a press conference at SpaceX’s Starbase facility near Boca Chica Village in South Texas on February 10, 2022. Jim Watson | AFP | Getty Images Outspoken Tesla CEO Elon Musk purchased a giant stake in Twitter that makes him the largest outside shareholder in the social media stock, not long
Westend61 | Westend61 | Getty Images Social media platforms have impacted our lives in countless ways. They influence the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the places we go — and now, the investments we make. Retail investors, particularly younger ones, frequently turn to friends and strangers on social media for investing advice. Though
Getty Images If you’re among the millions of Americans scrambling to meet the tax deadline, it’s critical to avoid errors that may flag your return or even trigger an IRS audit. The agency has processed more than 78.8 million returns as of March 25, the IRS reported Friday, including nearly 58 million refunds. But with
One of the most important decisions you’ll make as a small business owner is choosing your legal business structure. As with most business decisions, there is no one-size-fits-all for selecting the best option. Which classification you choose ultimately depends on your business goals, ownership structure, and more. But how do entrepreneurs determine if a limited
Peter Dazeley | The Image Bank | Getty Images When dealing with a divorce, it can be hard to focus on your future finances. However, it’s crucial to face up to them sooner rather than later. “People often say ‘I just want out,’ but the reality is going to hit you later,” said certified financial
Directeur Frank van der Heide van Tuinbranche Nederland: „Toen de corona uitbrak, gingen we massaal thuis aan het werk en niet meer op vakantie of uit eten. Huizen werden mooi gemaakt, de zolder opgeruimd en ook in de tuin ging men aan de slag.” Die nieuwe hobby zag Van der Heide terug in de recordopbrengst
‘De klimaatcrisis en de huidige energiecrisis – met verdubbelde energieprijzen – maken het urgenter dan ooit dat we de gebouwde omgeving snel(ler) verduurzamen en meer energie besparen. Kom daarom met slim beleid dat aansluit bij de verschillende typen bedrijven en dat ondernemers helpt snel stappen te zetten in de praktijk.’ Dat zeggen MKB-Nederland en VNO-NCW
A look at Microstrategy buying against its digital holdings so it can buy more bitcoin.
In this article ALK DAL AAL LUV A Southwest Airlines jet sits at a gate at Orlando International Airport in Orlando, Florida, U.S., October 11, 2021. Joe Skipper | Reuters Airlines canceled hundreds of weekend flights and thousands more were delayed as thunderstorms in Florida slowed traffic in one of the country’s top travel destinations