Door Marlou Visser Vandaag, 10:47 in GELD Kopieer naar clipboard Foto ter illustratie. Ⓒ Getty Images Amsterdam – De tarieven voor hypotheekrente hebben definitief de weg omhoog gevonden. Waar de stijging de afgelopen weken wat afvlakte, daar gaan ze nu toch weer omhoog. Dat komt door de hoge inflatie, meldt hypotheekadviesketen Van Bruggen.
In this article MRT.UN-CA CNE-CA CFW-CA Thomas Barwick | Stone | Getty Images Less than a third of corporate board seats are now held by women, despite evidence that has shown that gender diversity in boardrooms can lead to higher credit ratings and improved stock performance. Women are gaining ground in the boardroom. In 2022,
Janice Chen (C) and her Mammoth Biosciences co-founders Trevor Martin (L) and Lucas Harrington (R). CRISPR gene editing pioneer and Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna is also a co-founder. Along Highway 101 north of the San Francisco Airport, a break-out biotech start-up named Mammoth Biosciences co-founded by Nathan Chen’s sister Janice in 2018 is fast