Sean Gladwell | Moment | Getty Images Escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine sent stock markets lower once again on Wednesday. Many individual investors are feeling the recent market declines triggered by geopolitical risks personally, particularly when it comes to their retirement account balances. Financial advisors say this could actually be an opportunity to put
Condo bunco; life goes on; heavy metals; and other highlights of recent tax cases. Honolulu: Businessman Wagdy Guirguis and CPA Michael Higa have been convicted of conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government. Guirguis was also convicted of three counts of filing false corporate income tax returns, one count of failure to file a corporate income
MKB-Nederland en VNO-NCW zijn buitengewoon bezorgd over de dreigende escalatie van de situatie in Oekraïne, nu de Russische president Poetin daar al diverse keren op heeft gehint. ‘Welke stappen gaat Rusland na de inname van de twee regio’s Loehansk en Donetsk zetten, en wat betekenen die  onder meer voor Nederlandse bedrijven die er zaken doen,