In this article F People visit Ford’s all-electric SUV Mustang Mach-E at the 2019 Los Angeles Auto Show in Los Angeles, the United States, Nov. 22, 2019. Xinhua via Getty Images DETROIT – Ford Motor said Wednesday it will reorganize operations to separate its electric and internal-combustion engine businesses into separate units within the automaker.
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In this article @LCO.1 @CL.1 Oil pipelines, pumping rigs, and electrical transmission lines dot the landscape along California’s “Petroleum Highway” (Highway 33) running along the northwestern side of the San Joaquin Valley on April 24, 2020, near McKittrick, California. George Rose | Getty Images News | Getty Images U.S. oil climbed to the highest level
9 min geleden in GELD Kopieer naar clipboard Veel huiseigenaren snellen naar de hypotheekadviseur om over te sluiten. Ⓒ Getty Images UTRECHT (ANP) – Dat de hypotheekrente de laatste tijd snel oploopt, zorgt voor grote drukte bij hypotheekadviseurs. Volgens Hypotheken Data Netwerk (HDN) werden er de afgelopen tijd meerdere records gebroken. Zo was 10 februari met 6337 aanvragen
The Shanghai branch of the Communist Party newspaper, People’s Daily, on Feb. 27, 2022. Future Publishing | Future Publishing | Getty Images BEIJING — In China, tightly controlled coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has focused heavily on negotiations. Beijing’s line has been to promote negotiations, as China tries to position itself further away from
Paxlovid, a Pfizer’s coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pill, is seen manufactured in Ascoli, Italy, in this undated handout photo obtained by Reuters on November 16, 2021. Pfizer | Handout | via Reuters President Joe Biden on Tuesday said the Americans who test positive for Covid-19 can receive antiviral pills for free at local pharmacies and community