Dan Lauer, founding executive director of UMSL Accelerate Dan Lauer By all measures, Dan Lauer had a successful career. The banker turned entrepreneur created the best-selling children’s toy Waterbabies, and after selling 25 million of the realistic dolls, he wanted to give back to his alma mater, the University of Missouri-St. Louis Business School, and empower
One of the greatest challenges of lawmaking is recognizing when a beautiful theory must succumb to an ugly fact. The purity of conceptual policymaking must take the real world into account and acknowledge that things that work well “in theory” sometimes fail spectacularly to meet expectations “in practice.” It would be wonderful if a policy
New homes under construction by CastleRock Communities in Kyle, Texas, in November 2021. Matthew Busch | Bloomberg | Getty Images Record increases in home prices are also pushing up the amount of equity people have in their abodes. For many Americans, that means they can borrow more against what is often their biggest asset. However,
Volgens de consumentenbond houden beide vliegmaatschappijen zich niet aan de wettelijke regels voor het terugbetalen van geannuleerde vluchten. „Ondanks een uitspraak van de rechter en een aangekondigde boete van toezichthouder ILT”, aldus de bond. Honderden consumenten wachten nog steeds op terugbetaling van door KLM en dochtermaatschappij Transavia geannuleerde vluchten. Het betreft passagiers die tussen 2019
Russia’s Aleksandr Erokhin in action with Cyprus’ Grigoris Kastanos, Gazprom Arena, Saint Petersburg, Russia, November 11, 2021. Anton Vaganov | Reuters Russia’s soccer teams were suspended indefinitely from international competition by major governing bodies Monday because of the country’s invasion of Ukraine. The ban means that Russia’s national team will be blocked from playing in
Getty Images If you’re considering a Roth conversion, stock market drops may make the strategy more appealing, according to financial experts.   While the popular move, allowing higher earners to bypass income limits for Roth individual retirement account contributions, was in peril as House Democrats passed Build Back Better, the spending package stalled in December. Nevertheless,
Anchiy In 2021, amid the ongoing pandemic and “Great Resignation,” Americans filed a record 5.4 million applications for new businesses, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. That means a lot of new business owners are facing their first filing season. While many people can file their personal returns on their own, tax experts
In this article LMT NOC Aerial view of the United States military headquarters, the Pentagon. Jason Reed | Reuters The Space Development Agency, an acquisition arm of the Department of Defense, on Monday announced nearly $1.8 billion in contracts to three companies for a next-generation military communications network of 126 satellites. A pair of aerospace